
Showing posts from December, 2021

How Validation Radically Improves Personal and Professional Relationships

Ha ve you ever had a conversation with someone where you felt as though you were not being heard or that your perspective was not being treated as valid? How did that make you feel? Chances are you were not getting any validation, and you are not alone in having had that experience. Pretty much everyone feels that way at some point or another. But what exactly is validation and how does it improve interpersonal relationships? Validation is simply the feeling that comes from within or from another person whenever your thoughts, feelings, opinions and perspective are treated as genuine and valid. Pop culture and the media often display the hope of validation as a weakness. However, the need to be seen and treated as valid is a completely natural human desire. Professionally speaking, validation is a powerful and positive tool for interpersonal relationships, business and professional life coaching. Read on to learn how you can use active listening, radical genuineness and the six levels ...